Emerald Wedding Rings & Bands
Emerald has been valued for its deep, luscious green hue throughout history. It is associated with royalty and is the birthstone for people born in May. This makes it the perfect way to celebrate a May wedding, or a partner who was born in May. An emerald wedding band is eye-catching, unique and can be set with clear diamonds for extra sparkle. You can choose a ring with a select few stones or a ring with an eternity setting around the band. Emerald is a great choice for a partner who is witty and eloquent, as it is known to symbolise and enhance these traits. In ancient culture, emerald was a symbol of fertility and immortality, making them perfect for newlyweds who feel invincible in their love and are planning to start a family. Many ancient cultures used emeralds to make talismans or jewellery for important leaders. Most notably, Cleopatra was known for wearing emeralds, and they are featured in collections of crown jewels across the globe. Read More >>